Nonviolent Communication

meets every Monday

7:30 pm - 9 pm.


Regents Park Apartments

5050 S Lake Shore Dr.
Chicago, IL

What is focusing?

Focusing was developed by Eugene T. Gendlin Ph.D., at the University of Chicago. Focusing is a kind of inward bodily attention that a few people have naturally, but which most people don't yet know. It isn't being in touch with emotions or feelings, and it isn't guessing or figuring things out in your head about yourself.

It is a way of getting a body sense -- we call it a FELT SENSE -- of how you are in a particular life situation. Felt sense is unclear and vague at first, but if you pay attention it will open up into words or images that often will lead to small steps of change, action and new thought. It usually takes a few days of instruction to learn it. Usually, descriptions do not convey focusing.